School contest – French Language Week 2017
For the French Language Week 2017, the Embassy of France invites public and international secondary schools where French is taught to take part in the contest Tell me 10 words.
This contest, organised every year by the Ministry of Culture and Communication, encourage students to develop their creativity. Every year, a francophone committee gathers to choose a theme and 10 associated words. In 2017, the aim of the contest is to show how the French language can cope with the constant evolution of new technologies.
The 10 words are : avatar, canular, émoticône, favori, fureteur, héberger, nomade, nuage, pirate, télésnober.
This contest invites public and international secondary schools to create a literary piece of work based on linguistic and artistic work including the 10 chosen words.
The constest gives the opportunity to organise speaking and written activities in class.