Immersion France at UMK

Saturday 22nd of April, the education department of the Embassy of France and the Malaysian-French University Centre were in Kelantan for the second edition of the programme Immersion France

JPEGThis year, the staff of the education department and the Malaysian-French University Centre (MFUC) went to Kelantan to organize the Immersion France day at the University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).

Over 200 students and pupils learning French from 7 schools and 2 universities of Kelantan participated in this immersion day. During the event, they passed by 4 workshops presenting France and its assets. One room was dedicated to the discovery of higher education in France, another allowed them to discover life in France, a third room was aimed at explaining why choose France as a touristic or study destination, and the forth room enabled them to face an everyday life situation, where they had to speak French.

This programme was a great success thanks to the collaboration of the education department and the MFUC, but also thanks to the amazing involvement of the French Club of UMK.

More than 1000 students are learning French in public secondary schools in Kelantan.

Le groupe des apprenants de Français.

Latest modification 27/07/2017

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